#TEC Associates
M&H Bridge Inspection Report
Wayne Duffett of TEC Associates included my 2007 photo of Middletown & Hummelstown 2-6-0 number 91 crossing Swatara Creek on the cover of the railroad’s 2023 Bridge Inspection Report.
Annual Bridge Inspection
Yesterday (May 5, 2023), I accompanied Wayne Duffett of TEC Associates on his annual bridge inspection of the Conway Branch.
Conway Branch Bridge Inspection—April 2022
The Conway Branch has wooden, stone, iron, steel and conctrete bridges.
Last week, I traveled with Wayne Duffett of TEC Associates on the forth of four Conway Scenic Railroad bridge inspections.
Roping Willey Brook Bridge-Some Gravity Defying Photos!
I’ve accompanied bridge inspector Wayne Duffett of TEC Associates on several of Conway Scenic’s bridge inspections, but this one was by far the most memorable.
East Branch Bridge
Last week, I accompanied bridge inspector Wayne Duffett of TEC Associates on the second leg of his annual Conway Scenic bridge inspection.