Hints of Steam over the Fields and Trees.
This selection hints at what lies beyond. Subtle rather than obvious.
No. 90—color or monochrome?
Engine No. 90, a 2-10-0 leading a Santa’s Paradise Express excursion had met another excursion at Groffs and was accelerating upgrade toward the East Strasburg station.
Steam in the Evening-Ten NEW photos!
Last weekend, Kris, Boomer-the-dog and I, timed our arrival at Blackhorse Road in Strasburg to catch the 1900 (7pm) evening train that only runs relatively infrequently.
Eighty Nine: Black & White or Color
Soft sun, slightly backlit; stubbled corn stalks in an unplowed field, with the locomotive whistling for the crossing.
Number 9 Bathed in Steam—Three Photos.
Last weekend the Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Railway Museum in conjunction with Portland’s Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad Company & Museum invited me to a magical event featuring three steam locomotives under steam.