Tag Archives: #Chetwynd Viaduct

Cork, Bandon & South Coast’s Chetwynd, Viaduct.

It has been more than six decades since the last train crossed the old Chetwynd, Viaduct in County Cork.

On our way toward Timoleague, Kris and I paused in the car park of the Viaduct Restaurant & Cafe, to make photos of this unusual former railway bridge that spans the N71 highway.

It was a bright morning and the lighting suited photography. I made photos using both black & white and color modes. In addition to these digital images, I also exposed a few Ektachrome colour slides using my Nikon F3T.

One of my tricks for photographing bridges is to crop out the ends of the span which has the visual effect of making the bridge seem longer.

Tracking the Light Posts Daily!

Chetwynd Viaduct at Night

The other evening, we paid a visit to the abandoned Chetwynd Viaduct that spans the Cork-Bandon road in County Cork, Ireland.

This was a spur of the moment visit. I was not carrying my tripod. However, through the magic of modern digital photography, I was able to make a few images of this unusal bridge.

These were made using my Nikon Z6 handheld with f4.0 24-70mm lens with ISO set to 51,200. The results are a bit grainy (pixelated), but amazing considering the scant amount of available light.

For another view of the Chetwynd Viaduct, see my post from 2015:


Tracking the Light Posts Daily!