Tag Archives: Travel

Tracking the Light Extra; Views from the Vermonter, July 2016.

Below are some view I made from Amtrak 57 on my trip from Windsor Locks, Connecticut to Trenton, New Jersey (and then beyond)

More views from my journey as the WiFi permits!

Changing engines at New Haven. Exposed with a Lumix LX7.
Changing engines at New Haven. Exposed with a Lumix LX7.
Near Bridgeport. Lumix LX7 photo.
Near Bridgeport. Lumix LX7 photo.
New York Penn-Station.  Lumix LX7 photo.
New York Penn-Station. Lumix LX7 photo.
My bag at Trenton.  Lumix LX7 photo.
My bag at Trenton. Lumix LX7 photo.

Amtrak_607_w_train_57_at_Trenton_P1480804Tracking the Light is on the (rail) road this week.

My Latest Book: The World’s Most Exotic Railway Journeys is Available Now.


This latest effort is a window into many lands. I’ve dedicated the book to the members of the Irish Railway Record Society. It features the work of a variety of accomplished travelers.

Cover photo by Scott Lothes.
Cover photo by Scott Lothes.

It is the product of John Beaufoy Publishing.


It is available on Amazon among other popular outlets.

Get a copy today!

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