#snow photography

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    Cities Sprinter in the Snow


    Last month, during the brief spell of frost and snow, Kris and I rolled by Amtrak Keystone 615 at Bird-in-Hand. It was so bright, it was hard to keep my eyes open. The train was running lefthand (on the close…

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    Blowing Snow


    Bright snow, black locomotive and arctic cold. The contrast between light and dark was a challenge, but the largest difficulty was the fine snow blowing across the open landscape, which blurred the hightlights and muted shadows in unexpected ways.

  • Sun and Snow; Russell Plow on the Move


    Friday, March 3, 2023, Conway Scenic operate a plow extra from North Conway to Attitash.

  • Plowing Snow! Part 1


    Tuesday (January 24, 2023), Conway Scenic Railroad sent its 1934 vintage Russell Snow plow westward to clear the line to Attitash .

  • Strasburg Rail Road in the Snow.


    Yesterday morning (Saturday March 12, 2022), heavy wet snow fell on Strasburg, Pennsylvania.

  • When it Snows it Pours!


    Yesterday, Saturday Feburary 26, I set up for the first Snow Train of the morning near the Ellis River Bridge in Glen, New Hampshire.

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    Plowing Snow!


    Friday, February 11, 2022, New Hampshire’s Conway Scenic operated its vintage Russell snow plow with former Maine Central Railroad GP38 255 pushing it west toward Attitash.

  • COlorful Snow Train-Three Views


    Saturday at North Conway, NH the combination fresh snow, a clear cold sky, and brightly painted EMD diesels in a quaint setting made for some great photo opportunities.

  • Sun, Snow and Shadows at Attitash.


    Yesterday, I was up early to help prepare for Conway Scenic Railroad’s first Snow Trains of the season.

  • North Conway Snow


    I made these photos at the North Conway yard where I work for Conway Scenic Railroad.