Tag Archives: Grand Canal

Locked in Portabello.

Years ago I lived a few blocks from the Grand Canal in Portabello, Dublin.

In more than five years there, I never once saw a boat traverse the locks.

Last month during a walk along the old canal with some friends, I watched a floating restaurant navigate one of the locks, which made for some 18th century entertainment.

I exposed these views using my Lumix LX7.

Tracking the Light Posts Daily!

Daily Post: Snow Along The Canal, Birds in Flight, A Tram

A Moment in Time, November 28, 2010.

This was my Christmas card for 2010.
This was my Christmas card for 2010.

It doesn’t snow in Dublin very often, and when it snows it rarely stays on the ground for long. It had started snowing heavily overnight on November 28, 2010 and when I awoke, there was a fresh blanket of snow all over everything.

I made the most of morning. Among the locations I selected was along the LUAS tram line that follows the Grand Canal.

A man was feeding the birds and these were circling. Using my Canon EOS 7D with 200mm lens, I made a series of photos of an inbound LUAS Citadis tram heading toward the city center from Tallagh.

The birds in flight make an already unusual situation even more interesting. They add depth and life to a cold and frosty scene. The tram itself is almost incidental. Yet we can follow its progress along the canal, its tracks gradually descending in the distance.

Tracking the Light posts new material every morning.

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Tomorrow: A visit to County Mayo!

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DAILY POST: Dusk on the Grand Canal.

An Irish Waterway that Preceded Railways.

The blue hour settles over Dublin on a typically damp spring evening in March 1998.

Dublin’s Grand Canal as viewed from Portobello Bridge in March 1998. Nikon F3T with with a 50mm lens, exposed on Fujichrome 64T color slide film.
Dublin’s Grand Canal as viewed from Portobello Bridge in March 1998. Nikon F3T with with a 50mm lens, exposed on Fujichrome 64T color slide film.

I spent the evening working with my Nikon F3T to make photographs in my new neighborhood at Portobello, where I’d rented a flat a short distance from the old Grand Canal.

To enhance the effect of dusk and help balance for incandescent lights, I exposed this image on Fujichrome 64T, a tungsten film that offered a bluer-color balance designed for use with incandescent lighting. Years earlier, when I worked in a commercial photo studio this had been our standard film (albeit in 4×5 and 8×10 sizes).

You can produce a similar effect with digital cameras by adjusting the color balance manually. Many cameras, including my Lumix LX-3 and Canon EOS 7D, offer incandescent light color balance settings. If you use the ‘auto white’ balance, it will tend to cancel out the bluish twilight effect.

Tracking the Light posts new material every morning.

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