Tag Archives: #crossover

Tracking the Light EXTRA: LUAS Green Line to Dawson.

Yesterday (Wednesday 19 September 2018) high winds attributed to storm Ali resulted in widespread transport disruption across Ireland.

Some railway lines were closed because of downed trees. It was reported that a Galway-Dublin Intercity Railcar (ICR) was damaged when it struck a tree.

In Dublin,LUAS Green Line overhead wires were damaged  and service suspended between Cowper and Dawson in the city centre.

As of this morning, LUAS was still only operating a limited service in the city centre and on the southern extremities of the Green Line route.

I went to explore the turn-back operation relating to the temporary Dawson terminus. While trams were only carrying passengers as far south as Dawson Street, the trams themselves were running toward St. Stephens Green to use the facing point crossover on the north side of the Green to reverse direction.

Dawson LUAS stop on Dawson Street in Dublin. Notice the unusual destination at the front of the tram. Lumix LX7 photo.
Tram drivers were manually operating crossover points at St Stephens Green. Lumix LX7 photo.
Dawson displayed in a tram reversing at St Stephens Green. Lumix LX7 photo.
Stranded trams beyond the end of live wire at St Stephens Green. FujiFilm XT1 photo with 90mm lens.
FujiFilm XT1 photo with 90mm lens.
A tram navigates the St Stephens Green facing point crossover. FujiFilm XT1 photo with 90mm lens.

Photos were exposed digitally this morning, 20 September 2018.

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