The other evening, rain had cleared, and clear skies prevailed for a little while before sunset.
Yet, heavy clouds were encroaching from the west, making for some interesting evening light.
I made the opportunity to take a spin on Dublin’s LUAS Green Line.
Pausing at Dundrum, I made photos of the trams crossing the Dargan Bridge.
The far end of the line at Brides Glen (I saw no brides) was a convenient place to make some portraits of the 5000-series LUAS Citadis tram that I’d traveled on.
I was one of two passengers to board on the return trip. It took the tram 39 minutes to make the run to St. Stephens Green. By time I arrived, the rain had closed in again.
The LUAS trams are a silver-tinted with lilac, with large plate windows, which makes them ideal for photos at dusk. The trams reflect the hues of the evening light.
I exposed these images using my Lumix LX7.

Tracking the Light posts every day.