Brilliant sunny skies in County Longford made for an auspicious foray into Bord na Mona country.
Finding narrow gauge trains is part of the challenge.
Last week I was traveling with Mark Healy and Aiden McDonald . I was acting as navigator, and worked with my iPhone and my collection of annotated Ordinance Survey maps as we scoured the bog lands looking for movement.
While the first couple of locations were quiet, when we arrived at this overhead bridge near the Lough Ree Power Station in Lanesborough, I spotted a laden train.
Within a minute, we could hear trains coming from both directions and were afforded a running meet! Neat!

I exposed these views using my Lumix LX7. Working in Lightroom, I adjusted contrast and exposure to compensate for the extremes between light and dark.
Tracking the Light Posts Daily!
Stickin’ out, dead-on-, and axcallant altogether, Brian. The Irish narrow-gauge lives!!
Oh, THAT Lanesborough… I was anticipating the D&H under Starrucca Viaduct while the Erie roared overhead. Spelling counts, I guess. 🙂
And right hand running!
Michael Walsh