Gallery Post 6: Railway Preservation Society Ireland locomotive 461 at Cherryville Junction

Today, Tuesday 6 November 2012, was another day of main-line trials with Railway Preservation Society Ireland locomotive 461; the locomotive departed from Inchicore and made its run to Portlaoise and return under mixed skies. Hugh Dempsey & I made a very productive day out catching the locomotive, IWT Liner and other trains at various locations. My Canon 7D was very active; its card is nearly full! Made use of the Lumix LX3, and exposed more than a roll of Provia 100F with the EOS-3. (What? Only one roll?! Yes yes, I know, but the digital cameras filled it where the film camera left off, or vice versa.) Here is just one of many photos from today’s very productive outing.

Sun and clouds; RPSI 461 works west toward Cherryville Junction, County Kildare on Irish Rail’s Dublin-Cork mainline on 6 November 2012. Made with a Canon 7D fitted with a 28-135mm lens. Photo by Brian Solomon


Brian Solomon will be giving an illustrated talk titled “Ireland  from an American Perspective 1998-2003” at the Irish Railway Record Society’s Heuston Station premises in Dublin at 7:30pm on Thursday November 8, 2012. Admission free.

4 comments on “Gallery Post 6: Railway Preservation Society Ireland locomotive 461 at Cherryville Junction

  1. I’ll see if I can find out.

  2. I hope to tell a few stories, and keep everyone amused.

  3. Richard on said:

    Wish I were there to chase the train. When is it scheduled to run in passenger service?

  4. The talk sounds very interesting – hope you will have time to share some of your experiences here too!

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