Not a 1940s paperback title.
But an exercise in making better photos on overcast days.
Last month, two days in a row I hoofed it up to Blackhorse Avenue following the good advice of fellow photographer Colm O’Callaghan in order to make photos of Irish Rail’s class 071 diesel- hauled trains.
Blackhorse bridges Irish Rail’s branch the connects Islandbridge Junction with Dublin’s North Wall via the Phoenix Park tunnel. The north-facing portal is just out of sight around the corner in the cutting.
This is a nice place to make photos of Dublin-bound trains bright overcast days. Elevation allows me to minimize the sky, while an old stone-faced overbridge makes an effective frame that adds depth and historical interest to the photos.
Both were exposed using my FujiFilm X-T1 digital camera fitted with a fixed focal length (‘prime’) 90mm telephoto lens. One makes use of the landscape (horizontal) orientation, the other is a portrait (vertically) oriented photograph.

Which photo do you feel is more interesting?
And yes, I also made black & white photos of these trains.
Personally, I prefer the horizontal image. I find the apartment complex adds a distracting visual element to the composition.
They are both interesting.. One, there are two different trains there.. so that is the most interesting.. then two, there are a host of other reasons why one would be interested in one or the other.. if someone was painting a scene with a train in it, then the bottom would inspire that painter, if one were to paint a picture of a train, then the top would be the right shot.. plus a host of other reasons.. The bottom, you can see more detail on the rocks that the road bridge is made out of.. etc.. but both are great shots..
Personally, I would rather the bottom close up shot but the apartments in the background “confuses” my eye. Maybe it’s too busy.
I prefer the landscape image.
I feel the apartment block jars with the main subject matter, which is the loco and train, and the framing effect is to an extent dissipated.