EXTRA: Railway Preservation Society of Ireland’s Trip to Galway and Kilkenny—Part 1.

On Saturday 8 April 2017, I traveled on the RPSI’s The Marble Tribesman Diesel Tour that ran from Dublin Connolly Station to Galway via Portarlington and Athlone then to Kilkenny via Kildare.

Irish Rail locomotive 081 in fresh gray and yellow paint led the train to Galway and Kilkenny, while 088 brought the return leg to Connolly.

It was a fine day with blue skies from dawn to dusk. The trip largely held to time and a grand time was had by all involved.

I exposed photos with three cameras. These images were exposed with my Lumix LX7. More images to follow over the next few days.



Tracking the Light Posts almost everyday!

2 comments on “EXTRA: Railway Preservation Society of Ireland’s Trip to Galway and Kilkenny—Part 1.

  1. Admittedly my captions are in small type, and unusually brief, but I’ve identified most of the relevant stations beneath the images. The photo with all the photographers is at Attymon.

  2. tom rochford on said:

    Brian what stations were these pictures taken?

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