Tracking the Light Special—Live from the Vermonter—Penn Station, New York.

I traveled up on NJ Transit, met my father at Penn Station, and now we are traveling northward on Amtrak’s Vermonter—Train 54. Every seat on the train is occupied.

Photos exposed with my Lumix LX7 and uploaded with Amtrak’s WiFi.

Richard J. Solomon and Pat Yough at Penn-Station on June 27, 2015. Lumix LX7 photo.
Richard J. Solomon and Pat Yough at Penn-Station on June 27, 2015. Lumix LX7 photo.
Richard Solomon with Vermonter at Penn-Station on June 27, 2015. Lumix LX7 photo.
Richard Solomon with Vermonter at Penn-Station on June 27, 2015. Lumix LX7 photo.


An veteran of many years service—Amtrak AEM7 914 at Penn-Station on June 27, 2015. Lumix LX7 photo.
A veteran of many years service—Amtrak AEM7 914 at Penn-Station on June 27, 2015. Lumix LX7 photo.

Tracking the Light posts new photos everyday.

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