We were trying to overtake the New England Central ballast train extra
(see: Extra train on New England Central. https://wp.me/p2BVuC-5yy).
I rolled down the passenger-side window of my friend’s Golf, and exposed a series of photos with my Lumix.

I’ve described this technique previously; I adjusted the f-stop (aperture control) manually to its smallest opening (f8), my ISO was at its slowest setting (80), and I put the camera to aperture priority.
I intended this combination of settings to automatically select the appropriate shutter speed for ideal exposure, while using the slowest setting to allow for the effect of motion blur.

I kept the camera aimed at the locomotive while allowing for ample foreground to blur by for the effect of speed.
This works especially well to show the large diesel working long-hood forward, which is not its usual position.