Suburban Trains Pass at Sallins.

Most passengers were heading toward Dublin in the morning. I was heading into the country. That was my train at left.

Lumix LX7 photo.
Lumix LX7 photo.

Most were undoubtedly heading off to work.

I was heading off to make photos.

But wait, was that work? Not in a conventional sense, but I worked diligently at making the best photos I could. Sallins was just the jumping off point—more soon!

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2 comments on “Suburban Trains Pass at Sallins.

  1. I’ll try next time! That was the first time I’d arrived by train at Sallins in about 10 years. Hopefully again sooner. Cheers, Brian Solomon

  2. william Kavanagh on said:

    Drop in for a coffee Brian! I sell coffees just behind platform

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