Irish Rail Limerick Colbert Station Revisited

It was here at Colbert Station Limerick that I boarded my first Irish Rail train, a two piece push-pull led by a 121 Class General Motors diesel. That was just about 19 years ago (February 1998).

The other day, I decided to travel by train to Limerick. Unfortunately on the way out I discovered that my ‘connection’ at Limerick Junction was a bus. Poor show Irish Rail. (Can I blame them for the rain too?)

On the return, my train operated (hooray!). Waiting to board, I made a few photos of the old station, which uses of the traditional terminal head-house and iron train shed arrangement.

Out front it has been cleaned up a bit, but for the most part the station looks much the way it did on my first visit all those years ago. No 121 though.

New paving stones, benches and decorative trees have improved the approach to Irish Rail’s Limerick Station. Note the big sign advertising trains.
Colbert station uses a traditional arrangement with concourse and train shed.

All photos were exposed using my Lumix LX7 in February 2017.

The outward Limerick-Limerick Junction train consisted of a 3-piece Intercity Railcar. This was very well patronized.
Trains operate from Limerick to several destinations, including Dublin and Galway.

Looking toward Colbert Station from a nearby road bridge.


Tracking the Light is Daily.

Tomorrow: how I photographed a train by accident.

2 comments on “Irish Rail Limerick Colbert Station Revisited

  1. I was being ironic.

  2. Tom Rochford on said:

    Brian “note the big sign advertising trains”, really and where might that be!!!

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