I’ve posted a variety of my New England Central photos on my Flicker account. The link below should direct you there.
Today on Tracking the Light:
Toward the end of June 2019, I visited New England Central’s yard at Brattleboro, Vermont.
It was the first time in many months that I used my old Canon EOS-7D, which I’d fitted with a 200mm telephoto lens.
As the 611 crew was getting organized to take Brattleboro to Palmer turn south, I made these photos.
I’ve always like the Canon color palate, which I believe is a function of their lenses and sensor. This is decidedly different than the digital photos I make with either my FujiFilm XT1 or Lumix LX7. Playing with a long telephoto is always fun, although in recent years I’ve shied away from very long lenses, as I’ve found that they tend to be overused.
Tracking the Light Posts Daily!
Sweet music from those SD45s I’ll bet!
611 is New England Central’s job that operates a Brattleboro to Palmer turn. No relation or connection with N&W’s J, Amtrak’s ACS-64 by that number, or anything else outside and beyond New England Central, which numbers its crew jobs in the 600s.
Nice ones, Brian! I especially like No.4 with the billowing exhaust smoke! I have to admit to being of the long-lens fraternity, a la Ted Benson’s early days on SP. Therefore I like you squashing as many SD45s as possible in to the shot (a la Jim Boyd’s intro to Benson’s ‘One Track Mind’!)
Did you say ‘the 611 crew’????? Bet that N&W tug-boat whistle sounded good echoing ’round the Brattleboro valleys………….
Unfortunately for us, spiritual considerations rarely seem to influence major business transactions.
As usual, some GREAT shots!, but. I wish they left the CENTRAL VERMONT RAILWAY alone! It wasn’t broken, so they didn’t need to fix it! NEC:, G&W: Spiritually, I just don’t get it..