Views From the Cab—where vantage point matters.

A few weeks back I had the opportunity to make some views from a diesel locomotive cab.

I’m no stranger to cab-rides, but this recent trip allows me to illustrate a few ways of illustrating this great vantage point.

I’ve made no effort to hide where these photos were made from; so by including the locomotive nose or framing the tracks in the locomotive’s front windows I’ve made my vantage point obvious. I was on the engine as it rolled along.

All three views were made with my FujiFilm X-T1 digital camera fitted with a Zeiss 12mm Touit lens.

Exposed a 1/60th of a second which allowed a slight blurring of the scenery and tracks to help convey motion with rendering the whole seen as a sea of blur.
Exposed a 1/60th of a second which allowed a slight bluring of the scenery and tracks. Framing is a great way to infer a vantage point while making for a more interesting image by adding depth.
So, do you prefer one window, or two?

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4 comments on “Views From the Cab—where vantage point matters.

  1. I only had one film body with me that day, and it was loaded with Provia 100F. Although come to think of it, I might have made a black & white view of the engineer with B&W before I reloaded.

  2. I think the single window concentrates the view. I don’t think colour is really an issue in the picture so would have used black and white for les distraction still.


  3. Charlie Allen on said:

    One window is great. However the first picture is the best with the full blue sky and green contrasting colors.

  4. Phil on said:

    The top photo.

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