Tracking the Light Special Post: Live From Amtrak 173.

I boarded at New Haven Union station and I’m on my way to Wilmington, Delaware. This is my first-ever Amtrak trip to Wilmington.

New Haven Union Station about 1:24 pm on Thursday October 15, 2015. Lumix LX7 photo.
New Haven Union Station about 1:24 pm on Thursday October 15, 2015. Lumix LX7 photo.

Tonight, Thursday, October 15, 2015, I’ll be presenting an illustrated talk on railways in Ireland and Britain to the Wilmington Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society.

I’ll be showing original 35mm color slides that span 18 years worth of photographic adventures.

According to the Chapter’s website:
The Wilmington Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society meets at 7:00 PM on the third Thursday of each month (except August and December) at the Claymont Community Center, on Green Street in Claymont, Delaware.

For directions and additional information see:

Amtrak prefers the archaic non-standard plural spelling for the common rubber-tired motor-vehicle. LX7 photo.
Amtrak prefers the archaic non-standard plural spelling for the common rubber-tired motor-vehicle. LX7 photo.
Boston-bound Acela Express departs New Haven. LX7 photo.
Boston-bound Acela Express departs New Haven. LX7 photo.
Amtrak train 173 arrives at New Haven about 7 minutes behind schedule. LX7 photo.
Amtrak train 173 arrives at New Haven about 7 minutes behind schedule. LX7 photo.
CitiesSprinter 604 catchs the sun.
CitiesSprinter 634 catchs the sun.

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