Tracking the Light EXTRA: Big Railroad Hobby Show at the BIG E in West Springfield this weekend Jan 30-31, 2016.

The annual Big Railroad Hobby Show takes place this weekend.

I’ll be there on Saturday making models look like full size trains, and visiting with friends.

These views are from the 2011 show. Hard to believe that was FIVE years ago.

CB&Q SD40s pan P1000808
January 2011; Lumix LX3
Lumix LX3
Lumix LX3
Lumix LX3.
Lumix LX3.

I find the show to be a like a big railway Brigadoon. It exists for a little more than 48 hours and then vanishes into the mist for another year.

See Amherst Railway Society’s site for details:

Hope to see you there!

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One comment on “Tracking the Light EXTRA: Big Railroad Hobby Show at the BIG E in West Springfield this weekend Jan 30-31, 2016.

  1. Dennis Hage on said:

    I wish I could go. I do not buy anything. To much trains for my brain to function properly. I don’t trust myself to make a correct decision on purchases. I do enjoy that show a lot., but it may be overwhelming for my feeble brain………..

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