Tag Archives: Pan Am OCS

Tracking the Light Extra: Pan Am Executive F’s executed in Black & White.

Here’s another view from productive day last month photographing Pan Am Railway’s Office Car Special in the snow.

I made this view with my Canon EOS-3 on HP5 at Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts.

It is an old school technique to capture a traditional looking train.

PAR-1 kicks up the snow on the old Boston & Maine Fitchburg line at Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts on the afternoon of February 15, 2016. Exposed on HP5 black & white film, processed with Kodak HC-110 and scanned with an Epson V600 flatbed scanner.
PAR-1 kicks up the snow on the old Boston & Maine Fitchburg line at Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts on the afternoon of February 15, 2016. Exposed on HP5 black & white film, processed with Kodak HC-110 and scanned with an Epson V600 flatbed scanner. This view is full-frame (without cropping or contrast alteration in post-processing)

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