Tag Archives: Monon semaphore

Brian’s latest book: Classic Railroad Signals

After a long wait, I was delighted by the arrival of my latest effort: Classic Railroad Signals published by Voyageur Press.

Old GRS upper quadrant semaphore with Type 2A top of mast mechanism on CSXT's former Monon at South Raub, Indiana. There's lots more great signaling photos and detailed information in the book!
Old GRS upper quadrant semaphore with Type 2A top of mast mechanism on CSXT’s former Monon at South Raub, Indiana. There’s lots more great signaling photos and detailed information in the book! Exposed with a Contax G2 with 28mm Biogon lens on Fujichrome Velvia.

This features semaphores, search lights, position lights, and one of my favorite types of antique signal: the Hall disc.

I’ve dedicate the book to the late Harry Vallas with whom I spent many hours discussing the finer points of railroad signaling.


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