Tag Archives: #Happy Birthday

Fifty Five

Today’s Tracking the Light is a ‘happy birthday’ to my brother Séan who was born on this day in 1970!

In this photo, Amtrak’s southward Vermonter, Train 55, crosses the Connecticut River near Windsor Locks, Connecticut.

Back in 2012, Séan encouraged me start a blog, having enjoyed success with his own internet postings on his Sanguine Root.

The Vermonter will turn 30 in April this year!

The photo was exposed in 2014 using my Canon 7D fitted with an f2.0 100mm Canon telephoto. The image was exposed in Canon CR2 RAW format, converted to DNG format using DxO PureRAW 4, then imported into Lightroom for final adjustment and then saved in JPG format for presentation here.

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