Tag Archives: Dublin Rivera

Steam on the move at Dún Laoghaire.

On Sunday morning (3 April 2016) I took a spin on the down Rosslare Europort train from Tara Street to Dún Laoghaire.

Honestly, conditions were inauspicious for photography, but I persevered none-the-less.

A low ceiling and light rain made for gloomy conditions.

I used a blend of techniques in an effort to make some visually gripping images despite the conditions.

Working with the Lee graduated neutral density filter to maintain detail in the sky, I made a series of pans at 1/60th of second using my FujiFilm X-T1 digital camera.

I practiced my technique on passing DART electric trains before the passage of Railway Preservation Society of Ireland’s Dublin Rivera led by locomotive 461.

DART_Dun_Laoghaire_DSCF2865 DART_Dun_Laoghaire_DSCF2857 DART_Dun_Laoghaire_DSCF2845





All of the images required some contrast and saturation adjustment in post processing.

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