Tag Archives: Bugs Bunny


When ever I think of Hoboken, New Jersey, I conjure up a vision of that classic Warner Bros., Bugs Bunny cartoon titled: ‘8 Ball Bunny.’

Bugs, upon discovering that the performing Penguin he’s just guided from Brooklyn to the South Pole was born across the Hudson from Manhattan, cries out. . . “HOBOKEN!? Oooo I’m dyin’ . . .”

That classic line, plus a bucket of steamed clams at the now-defunct Clam Broth House, and images of the old copper-clad Lackawanna Terminal represent Hoboken for me. It gets a bit confusing when I visit Antwerp, but that’s a story for another post.




Ice follies?
Ice follies?
Hoboken, no Jokin'.
Hoboken, no Jokin’.

Also see: Hoboken in Five Photos posted on January 26, 2015.

Brian Solomon’s Tracking the Light post new photos every day!