Last week, I made these photos at Prague’s Main Station using my Lumix LX7.

I featured : Praha Hlavani Nadrazi (Prague Main Station) in my recent book Depots, Stations & Terminals published by Voyageur Press.
Here’s and excerpt of my text:
In 1919, Prague main station was renamed Wilsonova Nádrazi in honor of American president Woodrow Wilson. The name was dropped after German annexation and occupation during World War II, and appears to have been forgotten during the postwar period of Soviet influence that prevailed until the Czech Velvet Revolution in November 1989. The name change was the least of the station’s problems. During this dark period of Czech history, the station was allowed to deteriorate and by the mid-1990s was a dismal shadow of its former glory.
Tracking the Light Aims to Post Daily.
Well-said, Brian.
What a shame.
An astute observation.
Hmm… with a minor change, this story sounds familiar, and could describe any number of U.S. stations: “During this dark period of [American] history, the station was allowed to deteriorate and by the mid-1990s was a dismal shadow of its former glory.”