Pittsburgh Light Rail October 1992.

On October 12, 1992, my father and I traveled on the Pittsburgh Light Rail, traversing both the 47 Shannon and Drake Shuttle routes where vintage PCC cars still roamed. Both lines are now defunct. Later in the day, my brother Sean and I revisited these lines by road to make a few more photos.

On that trip, I exposed this Kodachrome slide with my Nikon F3T fitted with a 35mm perspective control lens.

While I was aiming to fill the frame with the rarely photographed PCC car, in retrospect I wished that I’d allowed a little more space around the streetcar.

I’m happy to have made this photo, since it was my only photographic adventure with the Pittsburgh PCCs.

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One comment on “Pittsburgh Light Rail October 1992.

  1. Michael H. Ebner on said:

    At an Urban History conference in Pittsburgh, circa 2001, I had the pleasure of a Saturday morning tour of the light rail system serving metro Pittsburgh. I admired it great. I marveled how the tracks negotiated the steep inclines of the city.

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