Tokyo Trolley in Traffic
April 22, 1997: I ascended a footbridge over a busy Tokyo thoroughfare to make photos of the rarely captured Tokyo trolley.
Connecticut Trolley Museum-August 13, 2022.
Last Saturday, Kris and I paid a visit to the museum, in part to experience this classic interpretation of a early twentieth century New England electric railways.
Where is Everybody?
In June 2008, I visited San Diego, California for the day and traveled around on the famous San Diego Trolley. I made this view of the Orange Line near downtown. I can’t help but wonder, where is everybody? I’ve photographed…
PCCs with John Gruber—July 11, 2016
It was a beautiful afternoon for photography on the shore of Lake Michigan. I made this pair of images using my FujiFilm XT1 digital camera.
San Diego Trolley
In June 2008, I traveled from Los Angeles to San Diego to research and photograph my book titled Railroads of California (Published by MBI-Voyageur Press in 2009).
Working with my vintage Leica 3A rangefinder, I exposed this photo of an inbound SEPTA PCC car on the No. 10 route approaching the Trolley subway portal off 36th street.
Pittsburgh Light Rail October 1992.
On October 12, 1992, my father and I traveled on the Pittsburgh Light Rail, traversing both the 47 Shannon and Drake Shuttle routes where vintage PCC cars still roamed. Both lines are now defunct. Later in the day, my brother Sean and I revisited these lines by road to make a few more photos.
Not In Service
On a June 2008 trip to San Diego, I made this photo of a Metropolitan Transit System car in fresh paint running on the Green Line without passengers.
Tokyo Trolley.
In a city laced with railway lines, perhaps one of the most obscure is the light rail line that I call ‘the Tokyo Trolley’.