Millers Falls High Bridge—October 2015.

When in doubt, try again. Earlier in the week Mike Gardner and I had missed the New England Central at Millers Falls, Massachusetts. It wasn’t for a lack of trying, but we’d misqued, got caught in traffic, and just not been at the right place at the right time. This happens.

It was a bright morning. From recent experience I knew that New England Central job 611 departs Brattleboro Yard for Palmer sometime after 8 am.

The former Central Vermont Railway Millers Falls high bridge. A pin-connected deck-style Pratt truss built in 1906.
The former Central Vermont Railway Millers Falls high bridge—a pin-connected deck-style Pratt truss built in 1906.

I drove directly to Millers Falls, I did not pass Go, I did not collect $200. I parked and walked (I fought my way through thicket and briars) to a known good spot on a rock near the shore of the Millers River and there I waited.

This was my reward. And yes, I also exposed a color slide.

Exposed with a FujiFilm X-T1 mirror-less digital camera.
Exposed with a FujiFilm X-T1 mirror-less digital camera.

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3 comments on “Millers Falls High Bridge—October 2015.

  1. There’s a severe speed restriction on the Millers Falls bridge which allows ample time to work two cameras.

  2. Robert Willoughby Jones on said:

    I’m so enjoying your daily posts, Brian. And I love your Ireland photography. I visited for the 2nd time a year ago, both Dublin and Wexford Opera. I’ve always admired your sense of adventure. Looking forward, of course, to the B&A book.

  3. Colm O'Callaghan on said:

    Beautiful photo Brian, i know the feeling when things work out, how did you manage a colour slide, was the train moving slowly over the bridge, giving you time to work 2 cameras.

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