I was pleased to learn the my wintery photo of Amtrak ACS-64 611 was selected for the cover of the March 2018 issue of Trains Magazine.
Using my Canon EOS 7D and a telephoto lens, I exposed this view on a visit to Branford, Connecticut with Patrick Yough just over three years ago.
Good Show! Glad to hear it. I can’t wait to lay hands on the physical copy
The photo symbolizes poise and power and is reminiscent of an old B & M passenger leaving Branford
Thanks! I really appreciate the comments and insight. Cheers, Brian Solomon
Well done!
Super excellent photo, particularly the lights and the overall lighting! Also, someone at Trains deserves kudos for a great job on the cover layout, particularly in how they utilized the curve, and how they balanced the tracks with the catenary fully to the top and bottom edges of the cover.
Congrats keep your Good Photo work going.