Jim Shaughnessy in the October 2018 Journal of the Irish Railway Record Society


Cover of the October 2018 Irish Railway Record Society Journal, photo by Mike K. Belshaw, IRRS collection.

The October 2018 Journal of the Irish Railway Record Society features my obituary to American photographer and author Jim Shaughnessy who passed away in August this year.

I paid tribute to Jim and his work, both in America and Ireland, while also explaining how I helped Jim publish his photography in the Journal. Jim was always delighted to be represented in this Irish publication.

A thumbnail view of my tribute to Jim Shaughnessy in the October 2018 Journal.
The Journal did an excellent job of reproducing my portrait of Jim holding his last book ‘Essential Witness’, which features some his finest North American photography. Using a Nikon F3 with 50mm lens, I exposed this view on 35mm black & white film during a visit last December.

The Journal is published thrice annually and I’ve been contributing material for nearly 18 years.

To learn more about the Irish Railway Record Society see: http://irishrailarchives.ie

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One comment on “Jim Shaughnessy in the October 2018 Journal of the Irish Railway Record Society

  1. Anonymous on said:

    Thanks Brian, both for your obit for our Journal and for the mention in Tracking the Light. Jim’s generosity with his Irish pictures was and is greatly appreciated.

    Michael Walsh

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