Irish Southern Steam 2016 Calendar available now!

This is the cover of the new Southern Steam calendar featuring Irish stream locomotives working in Munster.
This is the cover of the new Southern Steam calendar that features Irish stream locomotives working in Munster. Photo by George Norman©2015

I’m honored to have been included in the new Southern Steam 2016 Calendar put together by Ken Fox and Kevin Meany. My photo is August 2016. Buy the calendar and check it out (proceeds for charity).

Rather than spoil it for you, I’ve posted one of my outakes, an image I made in 2006 at Farranfore, Co. Kerry, rather than show you the image used in the calendar.

I exposed this view of locomotive 186 at Farranfore back in May 2006. Some of you may know of my personal connection with Farranfore. This is not the image in the calendar, but rather one made on the same trip a little later in the day. Buy the calendar, support the charity, check it out. Exposed using my Nikon F3 on Fujichrome.
I exposed this view of locomotive 186 at Farranfore back in May 2006. Some of you may know of my personal connection with Farranfore. This is not my image used in the calendar, but rather one made on the same trip a little later in the day. Buy the calendar, support the charity, check it out. Exposed using my Nikon F3 on Fujichrome.

The calendar for 2016 features photographs of Railway Preservation Society of Ireland’s steam operations in the Munster region. The Price is advertised as  €10.00 plus €3.00 for shipping. Please contact Ken Fox ( or Kevin Meany ( to order the calendar.

Proceeds from the calendar benefit the charity Pieta House (



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