Irish Rail Crossing the Barrow at Monasterevin.

I made this broadside view of an Irish Rail InterCity Railcar (ICR) crossing the River Barrow at Monasterevin.

To stop the action, I set my FujiFilm XT1 manually as follows: ISO 400, Shutter Speed = 1/1000th second, f-stop = f6.3.

I was working with a fixed focal length 90mm telephoto (a ‘prime’ lens which is not a variable focal length ‘zoom’).

The XT1’s digital format this is roughly equivalent to a 135mm lens on 35mm film.

A high shutter speed is necessary for stop action photography when photographing at a right angle to the subject’s direction of travel.

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One comment on “Irish Rail Crossing the Barrow at Monasterevin.

  1. george benson on said:

    Beautiful train. The lines are really smooth and convey motion.

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