Brian’s Impossible Three-Way Puzzle Photo.

brian solomon Avatar

I say impossible because I’ve previously posted photo puzzles that I thought were pretty easy, and no one came up with the right answer (although there were some really creative attempts).

In other situations I’ve posted puzzles that sharp-eyed viewers nailed in the matter of minutes.

So! This is a three part puzzle.

Take a close look. And then look again.
  1. There’s no train, but can you spot  three distinct rail elements featured in this image?
  2. Do you see what’s WRONG with this photo.
  3. How did I do it?

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12 responses to “Brian’s Impossible Three-Way Puzzle Photo.”

  1.  Avatar

    1. Chestnut Hill Station, tracks in the streets, and electric overhead line.
    2. Took the picture with the bus obscuring the view of the station and the car obscuring the bus.
    3. Not being adequately aware of the vehicles coming from your left?

  2. Dan Smith Avatar
    Dan Smith

    3 elements:
    Rails/overhead wire/advertisement on the bus.

    The overhead wire supports don’t look right. On the right hand side a wire support seems to be attached to the circular “o” sign but moving towards the left it fades away into nothing.

    Not sure how you did it!

  3. Ethan Avatar

    I need to modify #1 as I misread the challenge: Rail, guardrail/flange and catenary.

  4. Ethan Avatar

    1. Rail, catenary and station
    2. In film, I would say a double exposure but this appears to be digital. Or: Because it’s winter, I’d say it might be “wrong” to post what seems like a nice summer day. 🙂
    3. Perhaps an HDR setting was inadvertently used here and the car was in motion while all other vehicles were stationary.

  5. Edward Harrison Avatar
    Edward Harrison

    I think I’ve spotted what’s WRONG – the car in the foreground has the driver side in a see through form – the rest of the car is solid. Actually, it’s 2 cars one superimposed on the other. How you did it? Photoshop (or Lightroom) but I suspect that’s not the answer you want. I’m guessing you found a cutaway photo of the Mazda and superimposed part of that it on to the Nissan.

  6.  Avatar

    1. Chestnut Hill Station, tram tracks, overhead lines.
    2. Positioning of bus to block view of station and car blocking view of bus.
    3. By not keeping aware of traffic movement?

  7. wts Avatar

    1. Station for commuter rail at lower level, train wrap on side of bus, trolley tracks & catenary.
    2. “ghost” of car . . . also no train/trolley in shot – that’s what’s wrong! Ha, ha.
    3. Car must have been only element moving fast enough between double shots superimposed for very mild HDR?

  8. Ken B Avatar
    Ken B

    wires, track, words on side of the bus.
    ghost image of the car.
    using your HDR mode that takes multiple images, ill-advised with moving targets.

  9. rlb Avatar

    Okay…I’ll take a shot:
    1) Rails…Overhead catenary…Ad for train travel
    2) The car has a ghost
    3) A long exposure

  10. PRB Avatar

    Adding a bit more…. the LNG powered bus is an obvious public awareness campaign for motorists to be more aware of trains at grade crossings and LRV street railways. Pretty bright and eye catching.

    The other “wrong” has to be the odd double exposure with the grey sedan behind the yellow truck. Might have been a secondary shutter movement but hard tell. It sure is a weird optical effect.

  11. PRB Avatar

    Great puzzle at Chestnut Hill Station. Obviously the track for LRVs is one train related aspect, as is the nice Catenary suspended above. Very nice stairway leading down to lower level SEPTA platform.

    As for something “wrong,” I wonder how many Philadelphia cops have tried to give a ticket to an LRV operator as the train swings left at the intersection in the face of the traffic warning sign that “Right Lane must take Right Turn.” Good luck with that Officer !

  12. Edward Harrison Avatar
    Edward Harrison

    Outside Chestnut Hill Station (1) The bus has “respect the train” on the side (2) there are streetcar rails in the road (3)

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