Amtrak Display Train-Claremont Junction, New Hampshire; June 18, 2016.


Yesterday, June 18, 2016, Amtrak’s Display Train made a special visit to Claremont Junction, New Hampshire. See: Amtrak Press Release 

Fine weather prevailed and I exposed these views with my Lumix LX-7. I also made a few photos on Fuji Acros 100 black & white using my old Leica 3A, but those are still latent (in camera).

Tracking the Light posts every day!

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2 comments on “Amtrak Display Train-Claremont Junction, New Hampshire; June 18, 2016.

  1. I arrived late in the day as the event was winding down (to make best use of the afternoon light); so I’m not sure how many people attended. Everyone seemed to be having a nice time though.

  2. DAVE CLINTON on said:

    Nice pictures. Was the turnout good?

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