
The Great War.

In August 2014, I visited the battle-sites and grave yards around Verdun in northeastern France. These were the sites of some of the most intense fighting during the Great War.

I exposed these photographs.

Argonne Battle site
Argonne Battle site
Argonne Battle site near Verdun
Argonne Battle site near Verdun
Mort Homme monument
Mort Homme monument
Mort Homme monument
Mort Homme monument
Mort Homme monument
Mort Homme monument
Trenches at Mort Homme monument
Trenches at Mort Homme monument


Site of Bezonvaux village—destroyed in the war.
Site of Bezonvaux village—destroyed in the war.
Site of Bezonvaux village—destroyed in the war.
Site of Bezonvaux village—destroyed in the war.
Site of Bezonvaux village—destroyed in the war.
Site of Bezonvaux village—destroyed in the war.
Narrow gauge tracks at the site of Bezonvaux village—destroyed in the war.
Narrow gauge tracks at the site of Bezonvaux village—destroyed in the war.
Narrow gauge tracks at the site of Bezonvaux village—destroyed in the war.
Narrow gauge tracks at the site of Bezonvaux village—destroyed in the war.

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One comment on “Verdun

  1. Tom Sharratt on said:


    Thanks for sharing these photos of Verdun. I visited this site in the late 60s and it was very emotional – a stark reminder of the tragedy associated with war, and that especially bloody “war to end all wars” that seems to have been so long ago.

    One hundred years later our world remains on the edge of new and long lasting conflicts. Are there peaceful solutions? Not unless there are men of good will who are willing to accept the will of the majority, and who defines the majority? The “majority” of Russians seem to support Putin; the majority (victors) redrew the borders in the Mideast after WW I ignoring these who lived there and we pay the price still; which religion correctly interprets the will of God? Does one percent (or ten or twenty) of Americans really have the best interests of the other 99 (or 90 or 80) percent in politics and the way our economy is run? And the one percent of Americans who chose to serve in the military is certainly not understood or truly appreciated by the other 99 percent of Americans who have little clue of the sacrifices that service members and their families make for them.

    Truly only the dead have seen the end of war (Plato?)

    Back to “reality” and your interesting photos of railroads . . .


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