Two photos at Lost Arrow Road—1995 and 2021

Wisconsin Central’s Byron Hill grade south of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin was among my favorite place to photograph trains in the mid-1990s.

A few weeks ago, Kris and I revisited a few of my old locations.

At Lost Arrow Road, we caught a southward Canadian National double stack train on its ascent of the grade.

In February 1995, I’d pictured a Wisconsin Central loaded iron ore train with then new Southern Pacific DASH9-44CWs from almost the same angle.

In the interval between the photos, the railroad has been converted from one main track to two, the grade crossing protection has been upgraded with crossing arms, and the trees have grown.

Digital photograph exposed in November 2021 using a Nikon Z6 with 70-200mm Z-series zoom.
Kodachrome 25 color slide exposed using a Nikon F3T with f4.0 200mm telephoto lens. Slide scanned using an Epson V600 scanner.

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