Tracking the Light Special: Pan Am Railways Office Car Special (OCS)—February 15, 2015.

It seems like every time I board a plane for far away shores the Pan Am office car special sneaks out.

Not this year!

Yesterday, February 15, 2016, I had the rare opportunity to catch Pam Am Railways vintage FP9s on the roll. The trip was working east from Mechanicville, New York on the old Boston & Maine Fitchburg line.

Pan Am Railways' office car special works east at Eagle Bridge on February 15, 2016. We'll have to wait for the broadside view. That's on Fujichrome!
Pan Am Railways’ office car special works east at Eagle Bridge on February 15, 2016. We’ll have to wait for the broadside view; it’s on Fujichrome! (film). Incidentally, I’ve applied the Lee graduated neutral density filter technique to this image. There’s just a touch of filtration at the top of the frame. (See last week’s Battenkill post for details. And just to tie the posts together, the tracks in the foreground are Battenkill’s.

Working with three cameras, I made dozens of images. The latent gem is the F’s broadside passing the old Eagle Bridge, New York station.

Until last week, I hadn’t visited Eagle Bridge in years. Now I’ve been there twice in less than a week. Funny how that works.

Pan Am's OCS at North Pownal, Vermont. The temperature was a balmy 22 degrees F. Warm!
Pan Am’s OCS at North Pownal, Vermont. The temperature was a balmy 22 degrees F. Warm!
A reported broken rail near Soapstone had the train moving at walking pace.
A reported broken rail near Soapstone had the train moving at walking pace.
Electro-Motive F-units are great to pan. 1/60th of second gives the sense of motion while retaining a sense of place.
Electro-Motive F-units are great to pan. 1/60th of second gives the sense of motion while retaining a sense of place.

All the photos here were exposed using my FujiFilm X-T1 digital camera. Contrast and saturation were nominally adjusted in Lightroom.

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2 comments on “Tracking the Light Special: Pan Am Railways Office Car Special (OCS)—February 15, 2015.

  1. Bill Sample on said:

    A good example of your talent for making the best out of limited light. Congratulations on catching this train on film!

  2. This is a great example of a desirable color balance to my eye from the Fuji camera. The blue looks rich like I remember it. TSH

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