Tracking the Light EXTRA: LUAS Cross City Trial Blocked by an automobile on Parnell Street!

This afternoon Mark Healy and I were in the Dublin city centre to observe a LUAS tram trial on new Cross City trackage.

The trial was delayed when the tram was blocked by what appeared to be an illegally parked white Toyota Prius occupying the tracks on Parnell Street.

Lumix LX7 photo showing a white Toyota Prius apparently illegally parked on Parnell Street in Dublin on 19 August 2017.
Lumix LX7 photo showing a white Toyota Prius apparently illegally parked on Parnell Street in Dublin on 19 August 2017.

Eventually the driver of the automobile arrived to remove it from the tracks and the tram resumed testing.

I’ll post more LUAS Cross City  trial photos in the coming days.

Brian Solomon’s Tracking the Light Posts new material daily!

3 comments on “Tracking the Light EXTRA: LUAS Cross City Trial Blocked by an automobile on Parnell Street!

  1. Good suggestion. Next time there’s a tram trial I might try that.

  2. Ger Hayden on said:

    Have you thought about popping to Marlborough st to catch the luas passing the old DUTC garages?

  3. Anonymous on said:

    Oops. And a prius too 🙂

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