Tracking the Light Corners Pan Am Railways Number 1

No Escape this Time!

To compensate for bad luck, and a series of bad timings, I made it a point to photograph Pan Am Railways executive F-unit at Spencer.


Just about every time Pan Am Railway’s has run their glossy metallic blue F-units, I’ve either been in the air, out of the country, and/or at least a thousand miles away and traveling in the wrong direction.

Not this time. Not at Spencer. No, I knew I’d get a photo! Two or three, maybe, and in color!

I realize that PAR-1 may not have been the chief attraction of the Streamliners at Spencer event, but I  was very happy to finally see this New England resident up close and in person!

PAR 1 and Southern Railway 6133 bask in the morning light at Spencer, North Carolina. Lumix LX-7 photo.
PAR 1 and Southern Railway 6133 bask in the morning light at Spencer, North Carolina. Lumix LX-7 photo.
Cab detail of F9A PAR-1 exposed with my Canon EOS 7D with 100mm lens.
Cab detail of F9A PAR-1 exposed with my Canon EOS 7D with 100mm lens.
The logo that once graced globe-encircling Boeing 747s decorates PAR 1.
The logo that once graced globe-encircling Boeing 747s decorates PAR 1.

For more Streamliners  photos, click here to reach Tracking the Light’s Streamliners at Spencer page.

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