Tag Archives: NS detour on CSX

Tracking the Light NEWS EXTRA! NS/Pan Am Southern Detour on CSX Boston Line.

This morning (May 16, 2016), I was out on the Boston & Albany (CSX Boston Line) for the Ringling Bros circus extra. While waiting word came over the wire that a Norfolk Southern intermodal train for Ayer, Massachusetts was detouring on CSX.

A derailment near Charlemont, Massachusetts (on NS/Pan Am Southern’s Boston & Maine route) on Saturday resulted in a traffic disruption and thus this very unusual move.

A CSXT SD40-2 led the Norfolk Southern consist, presumably because of the cab signaling requirements on the Boston Line .

All photos exposed with my FujiFilm X-T1 near milepost 129 east of Middlefield, Massachusetts.

CSX_X800_Middlefield_NS_detour_DSCF7527CSX_X800_Middlefield_NS_detour_DSCF7529CSX_X800_Middlefield_NS_detour_DSCF7530Tracking the Light posts Daily!

Circus Train photos tomorrow!