Tag Archives: Mechanicville New York

Guilford Transportation June 3, 1989.

Former Santa Fe SD26s in the Lead.

I exposed this view on Kodachrome with my Leica M2 and 35mm Summicron. My notes indicate that this was at an overhead bridge at the beginning of grade separation near an interlocking called ‘Snyders.’ It’s been 25 years since I made the photo, so I question my memory as to correct name for location, but it was several miles timetable east of B&M’s Hudson River Bridge at Mechanicville.
I exposed this view on Kodachrome with my Leica M2 and 35mm Summicron. My notes indicate that this was at an overhead bridge at the beginning of grade separation near an interlocking called ‘Snyders.’ It’s been 25 years since I made the photo, so I question my memory as to correct name for the location, but it was several miles timetable east of B&M’s Hudson River Bridge at Mechanicville.

I’d been photographing the west-end of the old Boston & Maine all day. In the afternoon, I caught NADH (Nashua-Delaware & Hudson) rolling through Eaglebridge, New York with SD26 639 in the lead.

A westbound in evening light, what could be better than that? The light was perfect, so I followed it west to Mechanicville. There’s something special about the golden glow of a sunny afternoon in June that just makes a scene seem better. I get nostalgic for that sort of light.

Say, isn’t it June now?

Hmmmm . . .

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Guest Post: Richard Jay Solomon’s Hoosac Trip, April 13, 2013

Note from Tracking the Light: This is the first guest post. It features photos and notes by Richard Jay Solomon.

Here’s few shots of Saturday’s (April 13, 2013) Boston to Mechanicville, New York private-car excursion that operated on Pan Am Railway’s Boston & Maine route via the famed Hoosac Tunnel. (also see: Boston & Maine Slug Set at Rices, near Charlemont, Massachusetts; June 26, 1986.)

Pan Am’s executive F’s lead Saturday’s (April 13, 2013) excursion at Boston’s North Station: ASA 200, f/5, 1/40th sec. jpegs at full size (super size RAWs files were exposed simultaneously, along with color slides in another camera).
Pan Am’s executive F’s lead Saturday’s (April 13, 2013) excursion at Boston’s North Station: ASA 200, f/5, 1/40th sec. jpegs at full size (super size RAWs files were exposed simultaneously, along with color slides in another camera).

The next two images are clips taken from a HDTV video of the run-by made with my Olympus PL1 ‘micro 4/3ds’ sensor, and a 14-42mm zoom lens (probably set at 14mm, f3.0)

The camera was mounted on mini Gitzo tripod. No people filter used — just luck and low angle!

East Portal, Hoosac Tunnel on April 13, 2013.
East Portal, Hoosac Tunnel on April 13, 2013.
If I had two more hands I could have taken still digital with my Lumix LX-7 that would have been much sharper. The clips are processed in ‘Levels’ with an un-sharp mask.
If I had two more hands I could have taken still digital with my Lumix LX-7 that would have been much sharper. The clips are processed in ‘Levels’ with an un-sharp mask.

And finally a shot inside Boston & Maine’s 4.75-mile Hoosac Tunnel; Exposed at f/4, 1s, ASA 800, 15mm with zoom, with image stabilization mode ‘IS2,’ exposed from the rear platform of the Caritas.

Hoosac Tunnel looking east.
Hoosac Tunnel looking east.
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