Tag Archives: #Gladsone Branch

Sunny Afternoon on the Gladstone Branch.

I arrived at Bernardsville, New Jersey on bright December afternoon. I’d never explored this station on the ground before, although I’d traveled through it on various occasions by train.

In the early 1980s, my father and I made several trips to the old Lackawanna Gladstone Branch to photograph the ancient former Lackawanna electrics that still prowled the line.

On my recent visit, NJ Transit’s stainless steel multiple units (known as Jersey Arrows) were the order of the day.

Exposed in December 2016 using a FujiFilm XT-1 digital camera.
The use of a zoom lens allowed me to make a variety of photographs in rapid succession of the same train as it paused for its station stop.
I like the effect of the dark shadow in the foreground on this view.
As the engineer released the brakes, I exposed this telephoto close-up.

These cars are hardly new and now are on the wane, and so well worthy of photography. On recent trip on the North Jersey Coast Line, I passed a scrap yard full of the remains of these old cars.

Remember, equipment that once new will someday be retired.

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