Tag Archives: #EWS

Three Mysteries!

The First mystery: finding out what was on that long-unprocessed roll of Fuji Neopan 400 black & white film that sat in my back-log for the last few years.

The other day, I finally souped the film using Kodak HC110. My process time included a water-bath (with a hint of developer) then four minutes at 68 degrees F using dilution B (1:32 with water) at full strength.

Once processed, I recognized these images that I’d exposed way back in March 2007.

The Second mystery: toward the end of the roll, I found a sequence of photos along a double-track line in England. But where?


I recalled that David Hegarty and I were driving from suburban London to the ferry at Holyhead. Sadly, my notes from the day are in North America, and I’m in Ireland. So I’d have to work strictly from memory.

I remembered that we diverted from the M6 and used two-lane roads.

I pulled out my atlas and traced the railway line from Crewe to Chester in England, trying to figure out where we’d been. This isn’t an area I frequent often. I figured the old station would help me.

This station was my clue to the location.
This station was my clue to the location.

My next step was to go to Google Earth. Using the satellite view, I closely examined a variety of overhead bridges. Finally, I figured out where we’d been. The station’s distinctive chimneys gave me a positive ID. The location is from Saighton Lane in Waverton immediately southeast of Chester.

The third mystery: what train is this?

Here comes a special train.
Here comes a special train led by an English Welsh Scottish class 67 (EMD) diesel. Exposed using my Canon EOS 3 with 100mm lens.

Now I’m at loss. This was some kind of special passenger train led by an EWS class 67 diesel. We were very lucky to arrive in time to watch it pass, but I never knew what it was, who operated it, or where it was going. It was just dumb luck that we saw it at all.

Trailing view of the special at Waterton, UK in March 2007.
Trailing view of the special at Waterton, UK in March 2007.

Can you help out? Any clues as to what this was?

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