Tag Archives: Die Bahn

Freight with Castle, Rudesheim

There’re some locations that just jump out at you. This view of the Rhein’s Right Bank is one of them. The combination of the river with vineyards rising above punctuated by the ruins of a medieval castle make for a postcard view.

The railway is an added bonus. Red Die Bahn locomotives are a nice touch. It helps to have bright afternoon sun.


DB_185_Freight_across_Rhein_w_Castle_near-Rudesheim_DSCF2165Exposed near Rudesheim, Germany using my FujiFilm X-T1


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Heavy Load Rolls Along the Rhein—You don’t see this every day!

Four photos!

There we were, poised at Filsen on the Right Bank line anticipating a northward train, but not knowing what would come around the bend next.

Previously, my attention to the signals, had revealed that once the signal cleared to green, a train would pass within 3-5 minutes. However, more than 8 minutes had passed. I wondered what was the cause of the delay.

Then, we were surprised by a lone DB class 145 electric hauling an exceptional load: twenty axles distributed the weight of this Schnabel railcar.

Exposed on September 11, 2015 using a FujiFilm X-T1 digital camera.
Exposed on September 11, 2015 using a FujiFilm X-T1 digital camera.


Exposed on September 11, 2015 using a FujiFilm X-T1 digital camera.
Exposed on September 11, 2015 using a FujiFilm X-T1 digital camera.
Exposed on September 11, 2015 using a FujiFilm X-T1 digital camera.
Exposed on September 11, 2015 using a FujiFilm X-T1 digital camera.

While this was not what I expected to see on the move, my cameras were ready to record what passed. In addition to these digital images, I exposed a 35mm colour slide for posterity.

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