Tag Archives: Cincinnati

CinCinnati Union Station—17 Years ago.

I was driving from Madison, Wisconsin to Roanoke, Virginia on October 25, 2002.

I stopped at Cincinnati to make photographs of Fellheimer & Wagner’s art deco masterpiece: Cincinnati Union Station, a railway station inspired by Helsinki’s Main Station.

This was among the photos I made on Fuji Acros 100 using my Contax G2 rangefinder fitted with the super wide-angle flat-field 16mm Hologon. I featured this station in my book Depots, Stations & Terminals, published by Voyageur Press.

Seventeen years ago! Gosh!

Tracking the Light is like the Energizer Bunny!

Daily Post: Art Deco Masterpiece: Cincinnati Union Station

A Foggy Night, October 25, 2002.

 My first visit to Cincinnati was brief and focused. I was driving from Madison, Wisconsin to Roanoke, Virginia and I stopped off with the specific purpose to photograph Fellheimer & Wagner’s Cincinnati Union Station.

During a low ebb of appreciation for architecture, this magnificent building nearly succumbed to the wrecking ball.

On this night it looked to me like a dark vision from a Batman comic.

16mm Hologon view of Cincinnati Union Station.
16mm Hologon view of Cincinnati Union Station.

I made a few photos with my Nikons in color. But my more successful images were exposed on Fuji Acros 100 using my Contax G2 rangefinder fitted with the super wide-angle flat-field 16mm Hologon.

That night I took a motel in Covington, Kentucky, where I watched television news reports about a horrific theater hostage situation in Russia.

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Tomorrow: Rocky Mountain Narrow Gauge.

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