Tag Archives: Broadway Junction

Broadway Junction—Brooklyn, June 25, 2015.

A confluence of New York City Subway routes above ground at Broadway Junction offered me myriad photographic opportunities.


Trains above and below. At Broadway Junction the 'L-train' makes its appearance above ground. Confusingly the 'L-train' runs mostly underground, while the New York City Subway system is which runs the 'L' operates many elevated lines. Got that?
Trains above and below. At Broadway Junction the ‘L-train’ makes its appearance above ground. Confusingly the ‘L-train’ runs mostly underground, while the New York City Subway system, which runs the ‘L,’ operates many elevated lines (known as the El’). Got that? Oh yeah, and by the way, the Broadway at Broadway Junction, isn’t the same street with all the theaters. That other Broadway is in Manhattan.

After enduring long waits for trains at the Far Rockaway-end of the A-line, it was a pleasure to have trains rolling in all directions and at various levels at Broadway Junction.

Rather than merely change trains, my father, Jack May, Walter Zullig and I spent a while at this busy station making photographs.

An R32 works a J-train service.
An R32 works a J-train service.



Looking west on the J-line at Broadway Junction.
Looking west on the J-line at Broadway Junction.
The 'L-Train' emerges from the depths.
The ‘L-Train’ emerges from the depths.
What could be more appropriate than an appearance of this train on Tracking the Light?
What could be more appropriate than an appearance of this train on Tracking the Light?

The highlight of our short visit was the passage of the inspection train, which seemed to be the physical manifestation of Tracking the Light!

Tomorrow at look at the R32s—cousins to the Zephyr!


Tracking the Light posts new material every morning.

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