Sunburst on the Boston & Maine.

Alternatively, I could call this Tracking the Light post, ‘28N at Millers Falls.’

Whichever you like.

So what do you do in a situation where a train is coming directly out of the midday sun?

You could

1) give up.

2) go for a sandwich.

3) take up plane spotting.

4) all of the above.

Or you can try something different.

The other day at Millers Falls, Massachusetts I exposed these views looking timetable west on the old Boston & Maine. Train 28N is an eastward autorack destined for Ayer, Massachusetts.

Using a super wide-angle 12mm Zeiss Touit, I set the aperture to the smallest setting (f22), which produces a sunburst effect. To make the most of this effect, I positioned an autumn branch between the camera and the sun.

12mm Zeiss Touit, ISO 800, f22 at 1/125th of a second.

Tracking the Light posts Daily.





3 comments on “Sunburst on the Boston & Maine.

  1. It definitely is a cool effect! The branch seems to filter the sun a bit as compared to the first shot where the sun is really the star, so to speak.
    Sometimes we “luck” into good shots, but patience to allow old Mr. Sun to lower in the horizon a bit by a highly experienced pro, was the key for the better shot.
    For those of us that don’t have the high value lenses in our bags and more to the point, the knowledge of a long time professional photographer there’s the low rent way. Filters!
    I haven’t used my filters in a long time but the toll to pay is they take light, if I recall about a “f” stop”.
    For those who watch any TV can see the same effect everyday.
    As noted, definitely cool stuff!

  2. 5) be ingenious!

  3. Dave Clinton on said:

    That is a cool picture, Brian!

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