Stafford Springs and New England Central 608: Part 2.

On Wednesday, December 12, 2018, I revisited the scene at Stafford Springs, having made photos there two days earlier.

In fact, I’ve been photographing trains passing this Connecticut village since the early 1980s, but I find it always helps to try to look at an old place with fresh eyes.

I like the arrangement of old brick buildings, the tracks along the creek/old mill race, and other elements characteristic of southern New England.

Working with my FujiFilm XT1 with 18-135mm lens, I exposed these views of New England Central 608 on its return journey from Palmer to Willimantic.

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One comment on “Stafford Springs and New England Central 608: Part 2.

  1. Tom Warger on said:

    This would make a great shelf layout backdrop photo. (I’d buy it.) I even have a matched pair of the GP 38s in that paint scheme!

    The stonework in the retaining wall is wonderful, too.

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