November Sunshine at South Barre; Mass Central GP38s Working the Old Spur.

Here’s another pair of photos from ‘Super Tuesday’—November 26, 2019.

Fellow photographer Mike Gardner and I mopped up a few nice photographs on the north-end of the old Boston & Albany Ware River Branch.

These images were made on the spur that connects the branch with the Wildwood Reload on the far side of Route 32 at South Barre, Massachusetts.

I made both images using my FujiFilm XT1 with 18-135mm zoom lens.

November sun; when it shines, it’s brilliant!

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2 comments on “November Sunshine at South Barre; Mass Central GP38s Working the Old Spur.

  1. Fascinating shot. Picnic table a poetic touch.

  2. Anonymous on said:

    That picture of the loco between the buildings looks like an industrial area model railway at first glance. Terrific location!

    Michael Walsh

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